Non-toxic living + why we are making the switch

I know what you might be thinking. You hear the words, ‘natural’ or ‘essential oils’ and your mind instantly jumps to some sort of weird witch magic. I get it, I was once there too. However, my opinions have since changed the more research I did surrounding the toxicity of the vast majority of the cleaning products available for sale, including the ones that I had under my sink. I learned about how little the FDA actually regulates the ingredients in our everyday products, and how even then, there are really easy ways to get around the regulations, and STILL use ingredients known to harm us and ones that are actually banned. If you’re like me, this might actually feel very overwhelming. Don’t panic, and just keep reading!

I once heard someone say, ‘we are the gatekeepers to our homes’. While I don’t yet have children, I do have dogs, a husband, and my own well-being to consider, and I truly believe there is power in our purchasing decision. When we spend our dollars, we are validating the process and what that company stands for. As I learned more, developed a greater understanding of the harmful products and chemicals that existed, I realized: I don’t want that in my home.

I also realized that the decision was actually quite simple. I found ways to research the products that I was interested in purchasing. Though it takes a bit more time and energy, I am willing to invest those resources to ensure that I am making the best and healthiest decision possible. Is it a perfect process? No…and is everything in my home clean and non-toxic? No. But, I am slowly taking steps in the right direction, so that’s what matters to me!

For the products, including makeup, skincare, and cleaning - I chose to start with Young Living. It was an easy transition - they make clean products that cover all of the bases in our lives. Toothpaste, deodorant, cleaner…you name it, they have a product that is clean and trustworthy.

However, I also began to realize: its not just the products that we use that are dangerous. Things like plastic food storage, non-stick pans (this one is scary!), and even the water we drink contain harmful toxins. These are a few areas I am still exploring; this is a journey that is far from over for us, but we are slowly taking steps to improve with each purchase that we make. When we run out of something, or a good wears out, we make a better decision where we can!

I hope this was helpful and encouraging to you if you are interested in beginning your journey. I will list a few resources that encouraged me in my way of beginning a natural, non-toxic life if you are interested!

— Kenzie

Documentary: Stink! on Netflix

EWG Skin Deep: online database to research ingredients


The All-Natural Cleaner I Use